(6) Threaded components undamaged and
appearance will not form the basis for this action.
capable of being tightened properly.
Containers condemned as uneconomically repara-
c. Condition Code F - Unserviceable (Reparable).
ble will be disposed of in accordance with chapter 7,
AR 725-50. When a container is being used as the
Containers not meeting the criteria of condition
packing case for a component which is being
code A or B will be classified as condition code F
(AR 725-50) if they can be satisfactorily repaired to
disposed of, the component should be removed
condition code A or B within the repair limitations
from the container will be made in favor of the
estimated higher returns to the Government
as prescribed in the appropriate maintenance
which might be expected if the disposal is made
d. Condition Code G - Unserviceable (Incom-
with or without the container.
plete). Containers requiring additional parts or
components. Otherwise meeting the criteria of a or
1-9. Stockage. Installation stockage and establish-
b above.
ment of requisitioning objectives for nonexpenda-
e. Condition Code H - Unserviceable (Con-
ble special reusable containers are not authorized.
demned). Materiel which has been determined to
1-10. Reporting. All excess, empty, nonexpendable
be unserviceable and exceeds the repair lim-
special shipping and storage containers managed
itations prescribed in the appropriate mainte-
by TSARCOM will be reported for disposition
nance manual. Includes condemned items which
regardless of their condition. These containers will
are radioactively contaminated.
be reported to THE NICP, TSARCOM, St. Louis,
1-6. Requisitioning. Nonexpendable special ship-
MO. 63120, in accordance with chapter 7, AR 725-50.
ping containers will be requisitioned only as
1-11. Automatic Returns. TSARCOM will periodi-
required, by NSN, as an item of supply in
cally publish a list of items authorized for automa-
accordance with AR 725-50.
1-7. Accountability. a. All users of nonexpendable
a container appears on this list, it is exempt from
special reusable shipping and storage containers
are responsible for maximum reuse of these
1-12. Transportation Funds. A Transportation fund
containers. Returning either serviceable or un-
citation will be furnished by the NICP, TSARCOM
serviceable items to the supply system should be
with the disposition instructions for the movement
accomplished by using disposition instructions
of excess shipping and storage containers. Trans-
provided in AR 725-50.
portation funds will be cited in the remarks section
b. Accountability for empty, nonexpendable
of the FTR/FTS reply.
special shipping containers will be maintained on
stock records for direct support units (DSU) and
1-13. Tables. The tables in section II list the
installation property accounts in accordance with
reusable containers and the components (shipped
AR 710-2.
therein) by NSN, part number, component model,
c. Empty, nonexpendable special reusable con-
and component description.
tainers for which there is no immediate require-
ment at the DSU/installation for all commands will
1-14. Reporting Errors and Recommending Im-
be reported to the NICP, TSARCOM, St. Louis, MO.
provements. You can help improve this bulletin. If
63120 (ch. 7, AR 725-50).
you find any mistakes or know of a way to improve
the procedures, please let us know. Mail your DA
1-8. Disposition. Nonexpendable special reusable
Form 2028 (Recommended Changes to Publication
containers will be continued in use until they
and Blank Forms) direct to: Commander, US Army
Troop Support and Aviation Materiel Readiness
unmistakenly meet the criteria for unserviceable
Command, ATTN: DRSTS-SLDT (1), St. Louis, MO
containers, at which time they will be withdrawn
from service for repair or overhaul. General
63120. A reply will be furnished direct to you.