CHAPTER 1. INTRODUCTION - TM-10-5410-223-240011Figure 1-1. Expanded view, container, service ward.Figure 1-2. Container, service ward, plan viewFigure 1-3. Container, Seruice Ward, Shipping DimensionsCHAPTER 2. ORGANIZATIONAL MAINTENANCE INSTRUCTIONSection VI. FIELD EXPEDIENT REPAIRSSection VIII. GENERAL RIVET AND INSERT REPAIRPop Rivet ReplacementFigure 2-2. Rivet inspection.Section IX. GENERAL HONEYCOMB PANEL REPAIRFigure 2-4. Typical honeycomb panel repair.Repair to Honeycomb Panel with Damage to Both SurfacesFigure 2-5. Container Service Ward, accessories disassemblySection X. CONTAINER, SERVICE WARD, ACCESSORIESFigure 2-6. Jack assembly removal.Figure 2-7. Cargo tiedown installation.CHAPTER 3. SHIPMENT AND LIMITED STORAGE AND DEMOLITION TO PREVENT ENEMY USEFigue 3-1. Container, Service Ward, handling pointsSection II. DEMOLITION TO PREVENT ENEMY USECHAPTER 4. DIRECT AND GENERAL SUPPORT MAINTENANCE INSTRUCTIONSCHAPTER 5. GENERAL MAINTENANCE INSTRUCTIONSCHAPTER 6. CONTAINER, SERVICE WARD, BODY ASSEMBLYFigure 6-1. Container, Service Ward, body assembly panel identificationFigure 6-2. Door assembly disassemblyFolding Roof Panel Assembly RepairFigure 6-3. Folding roof panel assembly disassembly.Figure 6-2. Folding floor panel assembly disassemblyRemovable Door Panel RepairFigure 6-5. Removable door panel assembly disassemblySection ii. FIXED PANEL ASSEMBLIESFigure 6-6 Roof panel assembly disassembly.Figure 6-6. Roof panel assembly disassembly inside view-continuedFigure 6-7. Side panel assembly disassemblyEnd Panel Assembly RepairFixed Floor Panel Assembly RepairFigure 6-8. End panel assembly "A" disassembly.Figure 6-8. End panel assembly "B" disassembly.Figure 6-9. Floor panel assembly disassembly.Section III. CONTAINER, SERVICE WARD, BODY ASSEMBLY OVERHAULAPPENDIX A. REFERENCES - TM-10-5410-223-240053APPENDIX B. MAINTENANCE ALLOCATION CHART (MAC) - TM-10-5410-223-240055Adjust - TM-10-5410-223-240056Explanation of Columns in the MAC, Section II - TM-10-5410-223-240057Explanation of Columns in the Tools and Test Equipment Requirements, Section III - TM-10-5410-223-240058Section II. MAINTENANCE ALLOCATION CHART FOR CONTAINER, SERVICE WARD, RIGID CONSTRUCTIONTM-10-5410-223-24 Container Service Ward Rigid Construction Approximate Expanded Dimensions 10 Ft. 10 In. Long 12 Ft. Wide 7Ft. 3 In. High Manual