(3) Remove attachment strips (4) by drilling out
(2) Carefully inspect the rubber seal (25) before
and removing rivets (16).
installing and replace with a new one if damaged or
(4) With a screwdriver, remove snaps (7).
(3) Rivet the retainer strips in place using the
(5) Remove strip (13) and seal (12) by drilling out
and removing rivets (17).
d. Repair. Repair damage to honeycomb panel
6-5. Removable Door Panel Repair
straighten any bent plates, latches, angles or extru-
door panel is an aluminum faced honeycomb core
sions using hammer, pliers, vise or other suitable
panel mounted in either the Container, Service Ward,
end panel or side panel assembly. A smaller utility
e. Overhaul. Overhaul the removable door panel
assembly as required to return to a serviceable condi-
panel is mounted in one of the removable door panels.
b. Removal. Remove the removable door panel as
required to replace damaged components using
f. Assembly. Assemble the removable door panel
figure 6-5 as a
guide and observing the following.
assembly in reverse order of disassembly using
figure 6-5 as a
guide and observing the following.
(1) Remove the utility panel (18) by removing all
ten captive screws (28) and brackets (27).
(1) Install all rivets as per Chapter 3, Section III.
(2) Replace all potted inserts using procedures
(2) Loosen all ten captive screws (28) in attach-
ment strips (4) located on each side of the removable
door panel.
g. Installation. Install the removable door panel
(3) From the inside of the Container, Service
and utility panel in reverse order of disassembly and
Ward, lift out the door panel using handles (6).
observing the following.
c. Disassembly. Disassemble the removable door
(1) When installing utility panel (18) attach
panel as required to replace damaged parts according
screw (25) clip (27) and spacer (26) in order shown in
to sequence of index numbers assigned in figure 6-5
and observing the following.
(2) Install handles (6) to spring closed in down-
ward direction.
(1) Remove handle plate (5) by drilling out and
removing rivets (14) around the perimeter of the
(3) Inspect seal (11) and replace if necessary
using sealant PRC 611, Products Research Co., Bur-
(2) Remove handle (6) from plate (5) by drilling
bank, California, or equivalent.
out and removing rivets (15).