according to manufacturer's instructions.
the material on and strike-off with a straightedge.
(3) With a paint roller, roll on a suitably thick
(4) Allow coating to cure as per manufacturer's
layer of floor covering. If no roller is available, pour
recommendations before using floor.
(2) The finish in all types shall show no visual
indication of alligatoring, blistering, chalking, check-
This section provides information necessary for the
ing, cracking, crawling, flaking, lifting, peeling, or
overhaul of the Container, Service Ward, body as-
sealing. The finish shall exhibit no sags, runs, skips,
sembly. Seal assemblies are to be removed and re-
shading, dusting, or dry overspray.
placed on a yearly basis. The interior and exterior
(3) Adhesion test shall be conducted on finished
shall be painted on a yearly basis.
parts at regular intervals. The tests shall be con-
6-12. Panel Assemblies Overhaul
ducted on a sufficient number of parts selected at
random to assure maintenance of a satisfactory level
Overhaul of the panel assemblies shall consist of a
of adhesion on all parts. In performing this test, it is
complete inspection for corrosion, dents, scratches,
suggested that a plastic or wood stylus be used to
nicks, or other surface irregularities. Use emery
scratch the paint films. A metal stylus may be used,
cloth to dress to a smooth surface all nicks, cuts,
but extreme care must be exercised to avoid dam-
corrosion and scratches. Minor dents are acceptable.
aging the basic surface of the part. Several parallel
Cuts through the aluminum facing or large dents
scratches shall be made approximately one-sixteenth
inch apart. Apply a one-inch wide strip of tape, ad-
hesive side down, over the scratches. Only newly
manufactured tape less than six months old shall be
Replace seal assemblies as outlined in panel dis-
used. Press the tape down with a firm pressure of the
assembly paragraphs, Sections I and II, Chapter 6.
hand. Remove the tape in one abrupt action and
examine the tested area for any paint damage such
as removal of paint at one of the layers of the finish-
a. General. This procedure defines the surface
ing system or removal of the entire system from the
preparation, type of primer, paint, and colors to be
surface. Test panels may be used.
used on all surfaces to be painted.
(4) Touch-up after test. Areas which have been
b. Surface Preparation. The surface preparation
used for testing shall be refinished to equal as nearly
shall be in accordance with MIL-T-704.
as possible the original finish requirement. Any
c. Exterior Surfaces. Exterior surfaces and com-
color of touched up areas shall be reasonable close to
ponents shall be primed with one coat per TT P666.
that of the surrounding area.
Dry film thickness shall be 0.3 to 0.4 mils. Apply two
finish coats of Specification TT-E-527 enamel (color
6-15. Container, Service Ward, Air Leakage
X34087). Air dry 8 hours. Dry film thickness shall be
a. Repair. Make the following checks and correct if
1.2 0.2 roils per coat.
adequate water pressure cannot be maintained.
d. All Interior Surfaces. Interior shall be primed
(1) Inspect for loose window assemblies on doors.
with one coat of Primer per TTP666. Dry film thick-
Replace or repair as required.
ness to be 0.3 to 0.4 mil. Apply two finish coats of
(2) Inspect drain, for damaged or missing potting
SPEC TTE 527, Color 24516 of FED STD 593 (cata-
compound. Repot if required using RTV rubber, or
lyzer per manufacturer's instructions). Air dry 3
hours. Dry film to be 1.2 0.2 mils per coat.
(3) Check seal assemblies around doors for leak-
e. Quality Control Requirements.
age, and reposition or replace as required.
(1) A sufficient number of parts shall be exam-
(4) Check panel assemblies seals for proper in-
ined to assure acceptable quality of finishing on all
stallation or damage. Repair or replace as required.
parts. In general, the criteria listed in steps (2) and
(5) Check seals on removable panel assemblies
(3) shall be evaluated. Properties or performance
for damage or improper installation. Replace or
characteristics other than those shown below may be
repair as required.
required by applicable drawings or other authorita-
tive documents.