TM 5-3810-306-34
g. Upon full section extension, measure the
distance across the bottom of the
telescope section at each mark to
determine the widest point. Clearly mark
a. Level crane by raising right front and rear
the. widest point.
h. Retract the telescope section until the
b. Measure across the top outer end of the
mark is lined up with the front side thrust
boom base section and telescope section.
Mark center point of each section.
i. Turn left front side thrust pad adjusting
c. Route auxiliary hoist cable over center
screws in snug and back out 1/6 of a turn.
sheave on boom nose. Attach a weight to
When cycled if boom is sluggish or
cable to help keep cable taut.
binding, continue to back out screws at 1/6
of a turn increments until smooth cycle
d. Elevate boom until cable is suspended
operating is achieved. The width between
(i.e., not resting on top of boom) between
front side thrust pads is now set and will
boom nose sheave and hoist drum.
not change.
e. Measure distance across back of auxiliary
j. Measure distance between front and rear
hoist drum and mark center of drum.
side thrust pads. Record this distance.
f. Lower auxiliary hoist cable until cable lines
k. From mark on telescope section measure
up with mark.
distance recorded in step j forward. Make
another mark on telescope section.
g. Using the auxiliary hoist cable as a point of
reference, check telescope and base
l. Retract telescope section until new mark
section alignment. If aligned, auxiliary
is aligned with front side thrust pads. This
hoist cable will cover the centerline marks
will position widest point in line with rear
made in step b.
side thrust pads.
m. Turn left rear side thrust pad adjusting
screws in until snug. Do not back off on
When backing off and tightening
these screws.
opposite side thrust pads be sure to
turn screws an equal number of turns
n. Turn right rear side thrust pad adjusting
in order to maintain previously
screws in until, snug and then back off 1/6
established optimum width between
of a turn. Distance between rear side
side thrust pads.
thrust pads is now set.