TM 9-3990-260-14&P
Ensure forklift tines are horizontal or pointed slightly downward to ensure they do not
contact crossmembers or the underside of the deck when the tines are being inserted
under the M3A1 CROP or when the M3A1 CROP is being lifted from the front. Prior
to lifting, ensure the tines are in full contact with the front beam and are not contacting
crossmembers. Failure to comply may result in damage to equipment.
Ensure forklift tines are positioned to the outside of the M3A1 CROP main beams,
between the main beams and the large multipurpose provision rings.
Exercise extreme caution to ensure the M3A1 CROP is properly aligned to be inserted
into the ISO container. The M3A1 CROP is designed with less than inch clearance
on either side between the M3A1 CROP and ISO container door frame and corrugated
side walls. Failure to comply may result in damage to equipment.
Aluminum wear plates (rub strips) along each side of CROP are designed to protect corru-
gated steel wall of container from edge of CROP deck and to assist in sliding CROP into
container. These rub strips will become scraped with use.
Use forklift lateral movement during insertion to steer M3A1 CROP into container, exer-
cising caution to ensure M3A1 CROP remains laterally centered to prevent damage to
sides of container.