TM 10-3930-641-34-1
(Sheet 6 of 7)
8. All electrical fasteners, nuts, screws
Route all electrical leads and secure with
or bolts
proper fasteners.
Install to rectifier housing.
(5) screws (4) cover plate (1)
10. Seal (42)
Install in drive end frame (lip towards
Use appropriate press then fill 3/4 with grease.
11. Seal (50), collar (47), and bearing
Install seal, collar and bearing in retainer
Grease the bearing and fill the seal lip 3/4 before
(seal lip and collar flare face bearing).
pressing bearing in place.
12. Retainer assembly (49) gasket (48)
Install retainer assembly with gasket in
and screws (36)
drive end frame.
13. Rotor (35)
Install rotor through drive end frame.
Go on to Sheet 7