TM 5-3810-306-34
b. Remove stripper bolt (36), spring guides
(34) and spring (35).
c. Remove two screws (28) and retainer
plates (29).
Dry cleaning solvent P-D680 is toxic
d. Remove preformed packings (31), back-
and flammable.
Wear protective
up rings (32) and spool (30) from valve
goggles and gloves and use only in a
well ventilated area. Avoid contact
with skin, eyes, and clothes and do
e. Remove check cap (24), preformed
not breathe vapors. Do not use near
packing (25), check spring (26) and
open flame or excessive heat. The
poppet (27).
flash point is 100F138F (380-590C).
If you become dizzy while using
f. Remove plugs and packings (40) from
unused ports.