TM 55-8115-202-14
(e) Use slings and hoist to remove side.
If a new floor panel is used, prior
(f) Remove sealant stuck to container box
to securing the ribbed aluminum
flooring, mark lines on the floor
surface to identify the lateral rib.
The screws for holding the
(2) Installation. Installation is essentially the
aluminum floor to the floor panel
reverse of removal Be sure to apply new sealant
must be driven into the rib.
between side panel edges and container box frame.
If the floor panel is not being
Sealant is Dow-Corning 732RTV.
replaced, the existing holes are to
be used if possible.
Or the
c. Front.
screws should be aligned with the
existing holes on the floor panel
(2) Installation.
The refrigeration unit, roof and
sides must be removed before the
(a) Beginning with center ribbed floor board,
front can be removed (I) Removal
secure to floor panel using screws.
(a) Disconnect interior light
(b) Secure remaining floor boards to floor
conduit and wire at front panel
panel as they were removed.
(c) Apply RTV sealant around entire floor
(b) Remove interior corner angles and foam
area edges and seams along the front and rear edges
between aluminum flooring.
(c) Support front and remove Camtainer
(d) Weld 1/4 x 1 inch aluminum bar to front
fasteners around edges.
edge of floor.
(d) Use slings and hoist to remove front.
e. Floor.
(e) Remove sealant from container box
The roof, aides and front, must be
removed to gain access to the
(2) Installation. Installation is essentially the
reverse of removal. Be sure to install new sealant
between front panel edges and container box frame.
(b) Remove
Sealant is Dow-Corning 732RTV.
(c) Use slings and hoist to remove floor.
d. Ribbed Flooring.
(d) Remove butyl rubber gasketing stuck to
container box frame.
(2) Installation. Installation is essentially the
reverse of removal except as follows:
(a) Remove 1/4 x 1 inch aluminum bar
(a) Install new butyl rubber gasketing
between floor panel and container box frame.
(b) Remove screws holding interlocking floor
Gasketing is 3M Co. sealant tape,
boards to floor panel.
(c) Beginning from the right side, remove t he
ribbed floor boards one by one until the center board is
(b) Apply full undercoat to floor underside
reached; then, remove boards on left side.