CHAPTER 1. INTRODUCTION - TM-55-8115-202-140023Identification and Tabulated Data.Figure 1-1. Refrigerated Container, Right Front Three-Quarter View.Figure 1-2. Refrigerated Container, Left Rear Three-Quarter View.Figure 1-3. Refrigerated Container, Rear Inside View.CHAPTER 2. OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS - TM-55-8115-202-140029Section II. MOVEMENT TO A NEW WORK SITESection III. CONTROL AND INSTRUMENTSFigure 2-1. Rear Doors.Figure 2-2. Door Chains.Figure 2-3. Spacer Block, Stowed and Installed.Figure 2-4. Temperature Recorder, Cover Closed.Figure 2-5. Temperature Recorder, Cover Opened.Section IV. OPERATION UNDER USUAL CONDITIONSFigure 2-6. Grounding Connections.Operation in Extreme Cold (Below 0F)Section VI. OPERATION OF MATERIAL USED WITH THE REFRIGERATED CONTAINERCHAPTER 3. OPERATOR'S MAINTENANCE INSTRUCTIONSTable 3-1. Preventive Maintenance Checks and ServicesTable 3-1. Preventive Maintenance Checks and Services-continuedFigure 3-1. Floor Drain and Hose.Section III. TROUBLESHOOTINGTable 3-2. TroubleshootingCHAPTER 4. ORGANIZATIONAL MAINTENANCE INSTRUCTIONSSection III. REPAIR PARTS, SPECIAL TOOLS AND EQUIPMENTFigure 4-1. Rear Doors Lubrication Points.Section V. PREVENTIVE MAINTENANCE CHECKS AND SERVICESTable 4-1. TroubleshootingInspection. - TM-55-8115-202-140052Figure 4-2. Door Lining Sheet, Removal and Installation.Figure 4-3. Door Gasket, Repair and Replacement.Section VIII. MAINTENANCE OF DOORS SEALSFigure 4-4. Floor Seal, Removal and Installation.Section IX. MAINTENANCE OF DOOR HARDWAREFigure 4-5. Door Hardware, Identification.Figure 4-6. Escape Door and Document Holder, Removal and Installation.Figure 4-7. Manual Holder, Removal and Installation.Section XI. MAINTENANCE OF FLOOR, FRONT, ROOF, AND SIDESSection XII. MAINTENANCE OF SPACER STRIPS AND CARGO RESTRAINTSSection XIV. MAINTENANCE OF THERMOMETER ELEMENTFIGURE 4-8. SPACER STRIPS, CARGO RESTRAINT, REMOVAL AND INSTALLATIONFIGURE 4-9. TEMPERATURE RECORDER, ADJUSTMENT POINTS AND REMOVAL AND INSTALLATION.Section XV. MAINTENANCE OF FUEL SYSTEMFigure 4-10. Thermometer Element, Removal and Installation.Figure 4-11. Fuel System Components, Removal and InstallationSection XVI. MAINTENANCE OF POWER CABLEFigure 4-12. Power Cable and Light Wiring Diagram.Figure 4-13. Exhaust System Components and Removal and Installation.Removal. - TM-55-8115-202-140073Section XVIII. MAINTENANCE OF REFRIGERATION UNITFigure 4-14. Refrigeration Unit, Removal and Installation.Section XIX. MAINTENANCE OF GENERATOR SETInstallation-continued - TM-55-8115-202-140077Figure 4-15. Generator Set Removal (Sheet 1 of 2).Figure 4-15. Generator Set Removal (Sheet 2 of 2).Figure 4-16. Generator Set Exhaust Removal and Installation.Figure 4-17. Generator Set Installation (Sheet 1 of 4).Figure 4-17. Generator Set Installation (Sheet 2 of 4).Figure 4-17. Generator Set Installation (Sheet 3 of 4).Figure 4-17. Generator Set Installation (Sheet 4 of 4).Section XX. MAINTENANCE OF GENERATOR SLIDE ASSEMBLYFigure 4-18. Generator Slide Assembly Removal and Installation.Section XXI. MAINTENANCE OF IDENTIFICATION PLATEFigure 4-19. Identification Plate Removal and Installation.CHAPTER 5. DIRECT AND GENERAL SUPPORT MAINTENANCE INSTRUCTIONSSection IV. REMOVAL AND INSTALLATION OF MAJOR COMPONENTS AND AUXILIARIESFigure 5-1. Corner Angle and Zee, foam Insulation, Removal and Installation.Ribbed Flooring.CHAPTER 6. REPAIR INSTRUCTIONSFigure 6-1. Rupture Repair of Panel.CHAPTER 7. MAINTENANCE OF MATERIEL USED IN CONJUNCTION WITH THE REFRIGERATED CONTAINERAPPENDIX A. REFERENCES - TM-55-8115-202-140097APPENDIX A. REFERENCES-continuedAPPENDIX B. COMPONENTS OF END ITEMS LISTSection II. INTEGRAL COMPONENTS OF END ITEMSection III. BASIC ISSUE ITEMS - TM-55-8115-202-140101APPENDIX C. ADDITIONAL AUTHORIZATION LISTSection II. ADDITIONAL AUTHORIZATION LISTAPPENDIX D. MAINTENANCE ALLOCATION CHART (MAC)CalibrateExplanation of Columns in the MAC, Section II - TM-55-8115-202-140107Explanation of Columns in the Tools and Test Equipment Requirements, Section III - TM-55-8115-202-140108Section II. MAINTENANCE ALLOCATION CHART FOR CONTAINER, REFRIGERATED MODEL SC209Section II. MAINTENANCE ALLOCATION CHART FOR CONTAINER, REFRIGERATED MODEL SC209-continuedSection III. TOOLS AND TEST EQUIPMENT FOR CONTAINER, REFRIGERATED MODEL SC209APPENDIX E. EXPENDABLE SUPPLIES AND MATERIALS LISTAPPENDIX E. EXPENDABLE SUPPLIES AND MATERIALS LIST-continuedTM-55-8115-202-14 Container Refrigerated Model SC209 Manual