TM 55-8115-202-14
(8) Inspect the temperature recorder for obvious
4-1. Inspecting and Servicing the Refrigerated
(9) Inspect the exhaust line extensions for
damage and tight connection to generator set.
a. Inspection.
(10) Inspect the auxiliary diesel fuel tank and
line for obvious damage, and be sure that the line
(1) Inspect container doors for loose or
connections are secure at both ends.
damaged hinges, pins, latches, nut and bolts. Inspect
(11) Inspect internal light fixture and bulb for
gaskets and seals for damage or distortion.
burnout or damage.
(2) Inspect roof, sides, ends and doors for holes,
dents or other obvious damage.
b. Servicing. Correct the deficiencies noted during
inspection if they are the responsibility of organizational
(4) Inspect the condition of the corner posts,
Allocation Chart). Otherwise, report the deficiencies to
corner fittings and structural rail members. Containers
direct and general support maintenance personnel.
having corner posts or rails torn, bent and kinked, or
broken/cracked fittings are unserviceable and should be
4-2. Inspecting and Servicing the Refrigeration Unit.
rejected for use. Corner posts having a small vertical dent
are acceptable if the dent does not exceed 1/2 inch in
a. Inspection. Inspect tightness of the four
depth and 12 inches in length, providing the post/corner
fitting joint is not affected. If deformation of the
unit to the refrigerated container wall.
container configuration is evident, dimensions must be
checked. The overall dimensions and the variation of
diagonal distances between opposite corner fittings should
b. Servicing. Refer to TM 5-4110-231-14 for
be within tolerances as indicated. The dimensions and
detailed inspection and servicing of the refrigeration unit.
tolerances below are adopted from ANSI MH5.
4-3. Inspecting and Servicing the Generator Set.
Overall height
8 ft (+0/-3/16 in.)
Overall length
19 ft, 10-1/2 in.
a. Inspection.
(+0/-1/4 in.)
Overall width
8 ft (+0/-3/16 in.)
(1) Inspect all around for damage and
missing parts.
Variation of diagonal distance between opposite corner
(2) Inspect controls and wiring to ensure that
all parts are dry, all connections are tight and all controls
are in good conditions.
(+0/3/8) in.
(3) Inspect the generator set mounting
Top, bottom, side
(+0/-1/2) ) in.
hardware for tightness.
(4) Ensure that the batteries have been
(5) Inspect floor for scrapes, holes or damaged
installed and connected.
(6) Inspect floor drain hoses for damage, kinks
b. Servicing. Refer to TM 9-6115-642-10/24
for servicing of the generator set.
(7) Inspect supporting frame members for
Change 5